OceanWP – A free theme with everything necessary
Elegir el tema adecuado es una decisión crítica para nuestra web. Un diseño atractivo, unido a una navegacion intuitiva y una adecuada presentación del contenido nos ayudarán a captar usuarios…
Elegir el tema adecuado es una decisión crítica para nuestra web. Un diseño atractivo, unido a una navegacion intuitiva y una adecuada presentación del contenido nos ayudarán a captar usuarios…
Regardless of our web's theme, we're going to need to create forms since they are the link between visitors and users of our web. There's a great number of plugins…
One of the big advantages Wordpress has is having an extensive community of professionals, which means we almost never have to start our projects from scratch. Most of the time…
Today we're going to talk about two necessary settings in our Apache server which will make Google and other speed testers like GMetrix like us a bit more. I'm talking about implementing browser cache…
Let's talk abour a vulnerability specific to Wordpress: one which, albeit very easy to overcome, can give us quite a headache. I'm talking about attacks directed to the xmlrpc.php file.…
Nowadays it's unthinkable to develop a webpage without a Content Management System, or CMS in short. They offer many advantages such as: Allowing the user to focus fully on the…