RJCardenas.com is determined to protect submitted personal data. The information gathered and stored in our data base is ruled under strict privacy rules. The term personal data refers to the name, surname, e-mail, or any other piece of information which could be used to indentify you. We make sure that our team of professionals as well as any other entity that operates under our authorization, use and reveal information only according to the current law. The compiling, registration and/or storage of personal data is done with the purpose of bringing services of different natures in which you may be interested. RJCardenas.com stores submitted data for a reasonably considered amount of time, in order to accomplish said objectives and thus fulfill the requirements of the current law.
Authorization for data usage
During the moment of using the present web site, or the moment of providing information of any kind, you expressively authorize the storage and use of said information by RJCardenas.com. And so, any information you submit must be reliable, complete, exact and without omitting any piece of information.
Obligatory and voluntary information
Para utilizar nuestros servicios, los usuarios deben completar un formulario, en donde se solicita que se brinde cierta información personal. Sólo los campos que contienen un asterisco son obligatorios, el resto de los campos son voluntarios. En caso de no suministrar información requerida en aquellos campos voluntarios no debería haber ningún tipo de cambio en la calidad del servicio prestado, como tampoco en la información que deberíamos suministrar. Sin embargo, si no completa los campos obligatorios, o si los completa con información incorrecta, falsa, errónea, etc., nos reservamos el derecho de no enviarle la información solicitada o los servicios que en su caso se requieran.
In order to utilize our services, users must fill out a form, in which they are asked to provide certain personal information. Only those fields which contain an asterisk are obligatory, the rest of fields are voluntary. In case of not providing the required informatoin in those voluntary fields no changes should be made to the quality of the provided service. However, should you not fill the obligatory fields, or if they are filled with incorrect, false, etc. information, we reserve the right of not sending the solicited information or the services in case they are required.
Rights to access, rectification, cancelation and objection of data
RJCardenas.com posibilita a usted ejercer sus derechos de acceso, rectificación, cancelación o de objeción con respecto a la información personal suministrada. Simplemente deberá acceder al área corrrespondiente de nuestra web o enviar un email a rolando@rjcardenas.com.
RJCardenas.com allows the user to exert their rights of access, rectification, cancelation or objection in regards to the personal information submitted. Simply by accessing the corresponding area of our web or sending an e-mail to rolando@rjcardenas.com
Security and confidentiality
La información personal por usted suministrada será tratada con las más estrictas normas de confidencialidad, implementando las medidas de seguridad necesarias para prevenir todo tipo de acciones que conlleven pérdidas, alteraciones, divulgaciones o accesos no autorizados, de la información mencionada.
The personal information provided by you will be treated with the most strict confidentiality rules, implementing security measures necesary to prevent any type of actions which result in loss, alterations, spreading or unauthorized access of the mentionend information.
Cookies and spamming
A “cookie” is a fragment of information which is stored in the hard drive of the visitor of a web page through their browser, by petition of the server of the web page. The cookies of this site are used to ease browsing and enchance the usability of the site. These cookies cna be deleted, accepted or blocked from your computer. You may find detailed information about the use of cookies inside our web here.
In case of RJCardenas.com modifies the current privacy policies, due to the existence of new legal requirements, we will immediately let the changes to the current web page be known. With this way you will always have knowledge of the treatment of information which we store and utilize and under what circumstances we reveal it.